The main objective of the project is to build the well-being of teachers and school principals, in the context of different waves of migration (economic, climatic, social, political), in particular the effects of the war in Ukraine, its consequences like inflation, but also the rapidly developing digitalisation. The specific objectives of the project are:

  1. 1. Diagnosis of the basic sources of stress, professional burnout, and dissatisfaction with the teaching profession in the current socio-political and economic situation.
  • 2. The diagnosis is based on data obtained from qualitative and quantitative studies on mental health, well-being, and occupational stress and stressors (with an emotional and somatic component) in the population of teachers and headmasters in Austria, Poland, Greece and Turkey.
  • 3. Identification of common stress and burnout factors in the project partner countries and those that are characteristic of specific socio- cultural contexts.
  • 4. Creating a system of psychological and health support for teachers experiencing difficulties in relations with students, parents, school and the local community.
  • 5. Creation of a system and tools to support teachers and principals in dealing with psychological, pedagogical, social, and health difficulties.
  • 6. Pilot implementation of elements of the developed system and selected tools for psychological, pedagogical, and health support for teachers’ well-being
  • 7. Implementation of a digital platform supporting the well-being of teachers and principals with the help of various tools and individual and group activities, from which participants make a choice adapted to their needs and build their own path of support and development well- being.

Project number – 2023-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000159628

Amount of funding – 400 000,00 EUR

The project is being carried out in the period – 01.09.2023 – 31.08.2026

Project leader – University of Warsaw / Faculty of Education

– Project partners:

Diefthinis Defterovathmias Ekpaidefsis Viotias
Universitaet Innsbruck
Warszawskie Centrum Innowacji Edukacyjno-Społecznych izkoleń
Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa
Mersin Il Milli  Egitim Mudurlugu
Konya Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu
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