Mersin Digital Competencies Course Program – Learning outcomes

Digital Competencies Course Program  (27 Nov.-1 Dec.2023)

Learning outcomes

The parties have agreed that the following learning outcomes should be achieved during the learning mobility:

Outcome 1: Using Web 2.0 tools – practices in flipping the classroom.    
Relevant subject, skill or competence: Using different Web 2.0 tools in School context and effective practices in flipping the classroom.
Description: Participants will be equipped with knowledge about various Web 2.0 technology tools and programs and their effective use in education. Participants will grasp the benefits of integrating ICT into learning and teaching, exemplified through successful flipped classroom practices.

Outcome 2: Starting a STEAM program in the classroom.  
Relevant subject, skill or competence: Understand the principles of STEAM education. Participate in individual and group practical activities related to STEAM  
Description: Participants will be able to articulate personal and instructional goals for implementing coding in their educational settings. Practical skills in robotic coding using tools like Scratch and Makey-Makey will be acquired. Enhance communication and collaboration skills within a STEAM framework.

Outcome 3: Building electronic circuits and understand basic functionality  
Relevant subject, skill or competence: Acquire knowledge of electronic circuit components and their functions and Understand the functionality of BBC micro:bit and create examples using it.
Description: Participants will gain practical knowledge of building electronic circuits and basic soldering techniques. Proficiency in using BBC micro:bit and creating examples will be demonstrated. The acquired skills will enable participants to implement electronic circuits in educational settings and explore innovative applications.

Outcome 4: Entrepreneurship, Webex Robot, and VR Activities  
Relevant subject, skill or competence: Explore the functionalities of Webex Robot and engage in hands-on activities with VR glasses.
Description: Participants will have a deeper understanding of youth entrepreneurship through the visit to Mersin University Youth Entrepreneur Center. They will be familiar with the functionalities of Webex Robot and have hands-on experience with VR glasses activities.

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