Mobilities 2023-2024

Barcelona Timetable

Timing Activity/Session/Task DAY 1 09.30 – 10.00 10.00 – 10.30 10.30 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 13.00 Welcome Getting to know: Schools presentation. Team building activities. DAY 2 09.30 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 13.00 Sant Jordi: Learning traditions Art Craft:Transforming reciclying waste into a piece of art DAY 3 09.30

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Barcelona Learning programme

Activity 1: Getting to know each other, their schools, and their environment Learning methods: After the welcoming by the board of directors, and visit the school, there will be ice breaking activities for students to get to know each other. A scavenger hunt activity around the school and its gardens. Learning outcomes: Students will develop

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Ferrol Learning outcomes

The parties have agreed that the following learning outcomes should be achieved during the learning mobility: Outcome 1: Develop enhanced content mastery, learner agency, creative problem-solving, and inclusive engagement Relevant subject, skill or competence: STEAM Description: Improve content mastery. Increase learner agency. Build creative, problem-solving and design skills. Engage a great diversity of learners. Outcome

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Ferrol Learning programme and tasks

To achieve the agreed learning outcomes, the participant will complete the following activities and tasks during their mobility activity. Activity / task 1:  Creativity through STEAM Description: Presentation of the educational programme “Polos creativos” (Future Learning Lab/Maker Space). Theoretical framework. Examples of STEAM and creative projects developed. Hands-on workshops and learning stations. Activity / task

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